Friday 25 January 2013

Old treasures

This week has been so crazy busy! I was dressed in the worst working clothes because I had so many things to be done in my house! I try to finish my gym in a garage so I can start with workouts while the child sleeps.
We had enough of rainy days so I stayed at home reading books, decorating my enviroment ( I have a need to change, and move things in my house very often :-))))  while listening to the rain pouring down outside is actually pretty awesome!
This morning I decided to meet my school friend and make a little excape from everyday life! I throw on my russian hat which I don´t have an opportunity to wear because it is  very warm winter this year! I feel pretty good when I wear something on my head :-))) Leather pants, lace dress,gloves, silk scarf around my neck, some vintage sunglasses and Hermes bag, definately made me feel good especially since I haven´t cooked lunch today ( my mother in law did !) I love this kind of mornings sometimes!
Right now I’m doing my best to enjoy every glimpse of sun  I can, before the darkness hits again!
Love the mood of this pictures , do you?

photos by: Stojana


Anonymous said...

otkud su naočale? ndivna si ženo :)

Unknown said...


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