Monday 1 April 2013

Roasted Garlic Chili Bread

It’s time to bake and  talk about bread so this couldn’t be a better bread baking opportunity for me.It it so
simple to make, great smelling and addictive. The recipe for this great tasting garlic bread was passed to me from my friend while we were chatting the other night. That’s what I love about foodies and blogging! The free flowing exchange of creative ideas. Never a dearth of what to cook!
It´s easily now what not to cook!

Ingredients :

600 dkg flour
2 eggs
1 spoon of  Active Dry Yeast
1-2 tsp  Roasted Red Chili Flakes
2 tsp of  Chopped Garlic
2 tsp salt
3 tsp oil
1,7 dl warm water


20 dkg butter
2-3 tsp  Red chilli
2 Garlic cloves
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chopper parsley


Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl bringing the mixture together to form a ball.The dough will begin to feel smooth and springy to touch. Let it rise to double its size (approximately 1 hour).
Turn the ball out onto a floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes and then  form the dough into 24 pieces - little bals.Dip the balls into a sauce ( melt the butter and add the rest of the ingredients) and place them into a bakeing mold. Let them rise in an oven aprox. 25-30 minutes. Bake at 190 C  for 30-35 min.The bread is done when it sounds hollow if you tap on the bottom of the loaf. Serve immediately, while hot ,with glass od cold bear or some good wine!

This is it!

Enjoy your food!

With love


Photos by: Me


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